As your company expands, there might come a time when you need to purchase initial or additional trucks for your fleet to support your business’s growing operation. While it would be nice to drive your new truck fleet off the lot, it’s not always feasible; whether due to lack of manpower, scheduling issues, or the fleet being located far away, you might be challenged with figuring out how to deliver a new truck fleet for your business.
Trying to deliver new trucks for your business can be overwhelming—this is an expensive investment that you want handled with care. The good news is that with the help of a transport service provider, you can rest assured that the logistics of delivering your new truck fleet are taken care of. No matter what type of vehicle it is, food truck, boom truck, box truck, machinery, etc.

The transport process
The transport process to deliver your new truck fleet for your business is pretty straightforward.
1. Schedule your service
After purchasing your new truck fleet, you can determine when you need your new truck fleet delivered to your desired location. You can then discuss scheduling with your transport service provider.
2. Load and secure
The transport service provider will arrive where the truck fleet is located to load and secure your vehicles onto their trailer(s).
3. Transport
Your new truck fleet will then be transported to the desired location.
4. Delivery
Your new truck fleet will be delivered to your destination and unloaded from the transport service provider’s trailer(s).
Transport with peace of mind
You can use transport services for many reasons, including delivering your new truck fleet for your business, moving a fleet of vehicles from point A to point B, expanding into a new market, or transporting trucks to a new job site. Whatever your reason, ATC specializes in transporting all type of vehicles in your fleet safely to their destination. Contact us today for more information on how ATC is a superior solution for your transportation needs and discover a new level of convenience and efficiency.